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Header History of the Company

History of the company.


When Franz Dolezych founded the company in Dortmund in 1935, he was just 22 years old - a very young, but also very engaging and, above all, enterprising man. With the production and manufacture of “wire ropes for every purpose and wire rope slings of all kinds”, he won customers in Dortmund and the entire Ruhr region. In 1939, the war interrupted all activities and released Franz Dolezych from his shackles late: he only returned from Russian captivity in 1949 to find Dortmund largely destroyed.


After his return, he resumed his business in Dortmund-Asseln, but it quickly became too cramped. In the mid-1950s, the Dolezych company therefore moved to its current location in Dortmund harbor (at that time still “Sunderweg” instead of “Hartmannstraße”).


Udo Dolezych joins the company. Demonstrating entrepreneurial responsibility, mastering global economic challenges and showing commitment: Udo Dolezych not only carried on the legacy, but expanded it considerably and is still intensely committed to SMEs today.


Udo Dolezych also brings new ideas to the company. With the introduction of textile products such as lifting straps and round slings, the company developed into a full-range supplier of lifting and lashing equipment. There was also a change for Udo Dolezych himself in 1979: he became Managing Director of Dolezych.


At the end of the 1980s, Dolezych patented its first product: a pre-tensioning force measuring device for measuring the pre-tensioning force of lashing equipment. That was just the beginning. Thanks to constant striving for improvement and innovation, Dolezych now holds a large number of patents and utility models.


In 1990, Udo Dolezych becomes the sole managing director. However, the year brings even more changes. The range of services is expanded to include specialist seminars. Wherever lifting and securing is carried out, basic knowledge is a must. Today, Dolezych is one of the leading providers of seminars on lifting and slinging technology and load securing.


From the Ruhr region out into the world. Dolezych's internationalization begins with the establishment of the first foreign branch in Katowice, Poland.


There was an artistic highlight in 1995, when Christo and Jeanne-Claude covered the Reichstag with huge lengths of fabric (a total of 109,400 square meters of fabric). The fabrics were held in place by 2,430 Dolezych lashing straps (a length of around 25 kilometers of webbing).in künstlerisches Highlight gab es im Jahr 1995, als durch Christo und Jeanne-Claude der Reichstag mit riesigen Stoffbahnen (insgesamt 109.400 Quadratmeter Stoff) verhüllt wurde. Gehalten wurden die Stoffe von 2.430 Dolezych-Zurrgurten (eine Länge von rund 25 Kilometern Gurtband).


The first ten years of the new millennium were characterized by progressive internationalization. Three new locations were added in just eight years: the branch in Kunshan (China) in 2002, in Kiev (Ukraine) in 2007 and in Santiago de Chile in 2008.


75 years of Dolezych - a reason to celebrate!
The company has been manufacturing products for safe lifting and transportation for 75 years and can look back on many years of trusting and successful cooperation with customers, partners and suppliers.


Tim Dolezych joined the company in 2011, making him the third generation of the Dolezych family to work in the family business.

Auch in den 2010ern kamen weitere Auslandsniederlassungen hinzu: 2012 die Niederlassung in Woronesch (Russland), 2013 in Istanbul (Türkei) und 2013 die Gründung von Doleco USA.

2017 wird Tim Dolezych geschäftsführender Gesellschafter und führt damit die Arbeit seines Vaters und Großvaters weiter.


Christo the second: Dolezych created a special eye-catcher in Paris in 2021. More than 2,600 Dolezych lashing straps held 25,000 square meters of fabric that covered the Arc de Triomphe. The art campaign was a tribute to Christo and Jeanne-Claude.


Dolezych has a new look with a new logo. Fresh, modern, high-quality - the company's self-image is now also made clear visually. The timeless design is an important step in the further development of the company's history and takes a step into a future characterized by digitalization. Core elements of the old corporate identity continue the tradition of the family business.

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