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Field Service.

Individual advice on site - find the right solution throughout Germany with certainty. Our field service team will come to you, whether in the office, on the construction site, in the workshop or in production. This gives you the opportunity to receive advice directly on site and get to know our (new) products live.

Klaus Längle
Bild von Bodo Pilz, Mitarbeiter im Dolezych Außendienst
Dirk Schweisfurth Mitarbeiterbild
Bild von Kim Toth, Mitarbeiter im Dolezych Außendienst

Klaus Längle

Head of Field Service

Regional Manager South, Mid-East

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 160 94 74 98 22

Bodo Pilz

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager North

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 160 99 24 76 30

Dirk Schweisfurth

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager West

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 151 53 64 46 90

Kim Toth

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager South, South-West

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 175 11 72 158

Platzhalter für Mitarbeiterbilder

Klaus Längle

Head of Field Service

Regional Manager South, Mid-East

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 160 94 74 98 22

Bild von Bodo Pilz, Mitarbeiter im Dolezych Außendienst

Bodo Pilz

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager North

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 160 99 24 76 30

Dirk Schweisfurth Mitarbeiterbild

Dirk Schweisfurth

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager West

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 151 53 64 46 90

Bild von Kim Toth, Mitarbeiter im Dolezych Außendienst

Kim Toth

Field Service Representative

Regional Manager South, South-West

Tel.: 0049 231 82 85 0

Mobil: 0049 175 11 72 158

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